Trio Atem (flute, voice, cello) commission and perform new music, and work collaboratively across disciplines.
Some snaps from our rehearsal, where we’re pleased to say we achieved our targets ahead of our concert @MHCentre tomorrow!
Please join us at 1:10pm Thursday for this FREE event, featuring music by all three Trio Atem performers … ⛰️🎲🐦
@PurtonA @NinaWhiteman
Thursday 1:10pm @MHCentre Manchester. All welcome, and free to attend 🎟️
Coming up on Thursday lunchtime. FREE, no ticket required 😄
We’re back! Performance @MHCentre Manchester on Thursday 2 May 1.10pm. A programme of music composed by ensemble members @PurtonA, Gavin Osborn and @NinaWhiteman. Expect noisy cassette players, digital birds, a flute, a cello and a voice!
I'm going to be sharing some work at this lovely lovely night next Tuesday 💜💛🤍💙
Please come and support, should be fun!!!